Beter in wiskunde wiki

Xarandir Xarandir 29 nov 2011

Copyright van Stan Brown

In response to my E-mail to Mr. Stan Brown, author of the website "How to succeed in Math " I obtained permission to translate and rewrite some of his texts:

Thank you, Mr. X (Xarandir), for your email.

In general, I do not like to see copies of my work on other Web sites. The problem is that when I update the original, the copy does not get updated, and then there is outdated material on the Web with my name on it.

But this is a special case. People will understand that the translation is made at a particular date. You have my permission to post copies, in Dutch only (not English), if you include the URL of each original and a statement that the translation was made by you with my permission on (date).

Regards, Stan Brown

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